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The #fluidfette after work

When is it actually time to organize a proper after-work event again? A real celebration of success, a communal event and a hearty, orgiastic dinner afterwards? Of course, the spontaneous PopUp After Works in the inner courtyard should always be there. But #fluidfat celebrations?

What does the Lines of Code metric mean?

In this case, it simply means that a reason to celebrate has been found: The software development project has been with us for a while – and with 500,000 LOC (Lines of Code) in the project, you can say: Once with everything please! And that’s what the fluids can do: work hard at work – but then also like to party! This time we went to RetroGames…

Time travel to RetroGames

Experiencing something together is part of it. Here we had the entire collection of RetroGames to ourselves – our eyes lit up. Electronic video game machines from the last 30 years – and everything to touch and gamble with in a nostalgic frenzy.

RetroGames are original classics and rarities of entertainment electronics that no longer exist today – lovingly preserved and restored by the Retrogames e.V. association.

Most common comments: “I played version 1 when it came out, I played version 2 and all the ones after that”, or: “Awesome, I was the king of that game in the 90s”… or even: “That thing is definitely older than me – and look what’s in the display cases first”.

We won’t include any pictures of the extensive eating (and drinking!) in the Schupi at this point. Everyone was happy at this After Work at RetroGames – that must be enough for the head cinema.