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  • April 7 is World Health Day

    World Health Day 2023 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the WHO - and a good opportunity to think about our own health, about health for all - and about the opportunities offered by digital solutions for patient-oriented healthcare.

  • Bonding 2023

    Meet the fluid trade fair team at stand E5 at the bonding company contact fair in Karlsruhe on 18. and January 19. The lecture "Mobile software as a medical device" on 18.01. in room 2 at 14:30 by Christoph will give you an overview.

  • Back to the future

    RetroGames was the name of the fluid time travel destination at the well-deserved fluid-fat after work after another 500,000 loc. A collection of 30 years of video game machines - for gambling and of course with electronic sounds.

  • fluid on the rocks

    The location for the fluidmobile summer party 2022 in the company's 10th year was THE ROCK climbing center in Karlsruhe - a perfect match: Midsummer temperatures and fluid on the rocks.

  • Happy 10th Birthday, fluid

    fluidmobile celebrates! The motto of our birthday party: 10 years in 10 stations. What a lavish celebration worthy of the company's first 10 years. Happy 10th birthday, fluid!

  • X-Mas 21

    The perfect tree for Xmas 21 is ready - it remains for fluidmobile to wish everyone happy holidays. See you in the new year!

  • MedConf 2021

    UX moves the industry - the fluid lecture topic was therefore a perfect fit for the need: "The role of user experience (UX) for sustainable product success" by our managing directors Christoph Eberhardt and Thomas Wolters.

  • Apple Keynote

    You have to celebrate Apple keynotes as they fall. And the fluid developers are happy to do this - also because some fluids make use of the opportunity to have their devices updated at the keynote.
