For the fluidmobile summer party 2022, we had a special location in the company’s 10th year: THE ROCK climbing center Karlsruhe. It was perfect – midsummer temperatures and fluid on the rocks. Feelgood manager Tom has arranged this cathedral of bolder and mountain fairies into an interactive party castle.
Those who wanted to (and they wanted to very much) were given a solid beginner’s course in the sport & safety dimension of climbing. In fact, there was even a team-building factor involved by securing each other – although we only realized this afterwards. Because the plan was above all fun fun fun…
The fluidfamily & Friends formula
The fluid called – and they came in large numbers: fluidfamily & Friends… There was plenty to talk about, a bungee run, paddling pool, photo box, anniversary tattoos, sumptuous vegan super catering, excessive chilling out on designer furniture and on the seats around the fire pit – without a barbecue this time – the temperatures were already around 30°. But the drinks were nice and cool. The fluidmobile Summer Festival 2022 has raised the fluid constant of summer festivals to a pretty high level. What will we do next year?
Location: recommended
THE ROCK climbing hall Karlsruhe