The review of 2019 shows us that another exciting, unforgettable year has come to an end. The coming year 2020 is already looking promising. Before we plunge into the new year, however, we would like to pause for a moment over the holidays and reflect on 2019.
This year, too, we had to say goodbye to some fluids – at the same time, 10 new members joined us. This year in particular, our fluidfamily has grown quite a bit. We are incredibly happy about the new addition and can hardly believe our luck.
Due to our remarkable growth, we have taken a significant step this year – we have relocated. The new address of fluidmobile GmbH is now: Karlsruhe, Bachstraße 43, Innenhof. Even if there are still a few things that need to be done, we already feel incredibly comfortable in our new headquarters. After the recent workshop with the interior designers Lisa and Judith, we are very excited to see what will emerge from the not yet fully furnished office.
What else counts in the 2019 annual review? fluidmobile is already 7 years old! Apart from our spirit, there is nothing left of the start-up we started – and that’s a good thing.
Not to be forgotten is the CyberOne Hightech Awardwhich we received for our App lorical app. He came along with our mascot, the unicorn. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Markus Kambeck, Managing Director of kambeckfilm GmbH, for the great collaboration and the resulting amazing end product. Together with you, we succeeded in 2018 in designing the implementation of music theory in an app. We even received an award for this creativity development tool.
Review of the year with thanks to our partners
As every year, we would like to expressly thank a selection of our partners this year:
At Hella Gutmann,
with which the mega macs diagnostic series was further developed. We would like to thank you very much for the pleasant cooperation and the trust you have placed in us. We are very much looking forward to continuing to work with you in the new year and taking our joint project to the next level!
At schwa medico,
with whom we had the pleasure of combining and promoting medicine and sport. We look forward to continuing to work with you on this exciting project next year and completing it together. Thank you for your trust!
Thank you for the trust you have placed in us for two native app projects that couldn’t be more different: BAUHAUS Umzugshelfer and NAUTIC. Both BAUHAUS apps pursue one goal: to make customers’ lives easier.
And although we have already been blessed with some exciting projects through our collaboration with BAUHAUS, we are already allowed to spill the beans: There’s more to come next year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust and cooperation!
Thanks to the fluids
Above all, we do not want to forget to thank all fluids. None of this would ever have been possible without you. This year, we had to say goodbye to a few fluids, welcomed many new fluids and worked on exciting projects. We have overcome challenges together and have grown a little closer as a fluid family through every high and low. Every single fluid has contributed to this special, unforgettable and successful year.
Now we are excited to see what adventures await us in the new year.
With this in mind – a happy new year and a year full of joy, happiness and great experiences. If you want to know what’s happening with fluid in the new year, follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss any blog posts.