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  • New to the team: Hannes Firzlaff

    Why helping people and working at fluidmobile go well together. Hannes Firzlaff talks about his first impressions as a working student in the fluid interview.

  • Apple Keynote

    You have to celebrate Apple keynotes as they fall. And the fluid developers are happy to do this - also because some fluids make use of the opportunity to have their devices updated at the keynote.

  • VIDEO: Interview with Roman

    Roman works as a developer at fluidmobile. In the video, he talks about the advantages of doing his bachelor's degree at fluidmobile. What his work is about, how he fared during the writing phase and why he actually studied business informatics. Have fun watching.

  • Normen and Tom on their birthday climb

    It's a fluid member's birthday - what to give? It was easy to find an idea for Normen because of his hobby. And so the birthday climbing campaign gets underway.

  • New to the team: Ben

    Will he or won't he - form the first informal fluid band in the inner courtyard of Bachstrasse? Find out more about our new backend developer Ben.

  • New to the team: Steff Blümm

    Former artist, iOS software developer and communicator: In an app agency with the motto apps that users love, that's a great combination. Welcome to the fluidfamily, Steffen.

  • GIL: Follow me around

    Gil has set up home in the lockdown home office with 4 cats. His Follow me around shows what this can look like.

  • New to the team: Michael Colonna

    New to the fluidmobile team. We are very excited to introduce our second English speaking colleague Michael Colonna. Michael comes from the US and moved to Germany recently.
